Flow with Emily - Weekly Love Letter 5.22.23-5.28.23

Weekly Love Letter

Theme: Harmony

Embracing Ahimsa, the principle of non-violence, in your yoga practice and daily life will cultivate a sense of inner peace in your life. Ahimsa teaches us to approach our practice with compassion and gentleness, honoring our bodies' limits and practicing self-care. It reminds us to extend kindness and understanding to others, promoting unity and harmony. By embodying Ahimsa, we become catalysts for positive change, fostering a peaceful and interconnected world.

✨ Mudra: Kapota mudra

Find a comfortable seat. Hold the hands in prayer position, in front of the heart, with the hands slightly away from the body. Keep the fingers and the base of the palms together while opening the knuckles away from each other, creating an open space between the palms, resembling a dove's open breast. Relax the shoulders back and down, with the elbows held slightly away from the body and the spine naturally aligned.

✨ Mantra: As I embody the vow of peace, I live in harmony with all beings.

Free Virtual Yoga Schedule

Join my 30 minute Zoom practices to rejuvenate your body and mind through movement and mindfulness practices. These are free or pay-what-you-want classes. No payment is expected or required. However, if you do want to leave a "tip" or "buy me a coffee," you can do so with a credit card when you register OR find me on Venmo @emilyekiefer21.

Wednesday, May 24

5:00-5:30pm CST Vinyasa Flow (Virtual)

Friday, May 26

12:00-12:30pm CST Chair Flow (Virtual)

Now Accepting Private Yoga Clients!

Are you ready for 1x1 yoga tailored to your unique body, your day, and your goals? You deserve to spend meaningful time with yourself each week. Our virtual or Chicago-based sessions are more than just a workout or a stretch. Yoga is for your mind and heart as much as it is for your physical body. Visit our website for more information and to schedule your free consult.

May you have kindness in your heart

May you have kindness in your words

May you have kindness in your thoughts

Namaste and Sat Nam,



Chicago, IL
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