Flow with Emily - Weekly Love Letter 4.24-4.30

Weekly Love Letter

Theme: Unity

Finding freedom and unity in our daily lives can be a challenging task, but it is essential for our overall well-being and happiness. Freedom can come from making conscious choices about how we spend our time, who we surround ourselves with, and what we believe in. It is important to recognize that we have the power to create our own path in life and to make choices that align with our values and desires. Unity, on the other hand, comes from embracing diversity and recognizing the interconnectedness of all things. We can find unity by practicing empathy, compassion, and kindness towards ourselves and others. When we cultivate a sense of freedom and unity in our daily lives, we are able to create a more fulfilling and harmonious existence for ourselves and those around us.

✨ Mudra: Shakata mudra

Find a comfortable seat. Bring the palms face down. Make the hands into loose fists, with the thumbs on the outside. Extend the index fingers and thumbs straight out. Touch the tips of the thumbs together, forming three sides of a square. Hold the gesture below the navel or rest the hands on the lap. Relax the shoulders back and down, with the elbows slightly away from the body and the spine naturally aligned.

✨ Mantra: As crystal light permeates my being, I experience my essence as unity.

📈 The Reviews are In!

Take a look at what students are saying about finding mid-day movement with our Chair Flow classes:

"Really enjoyed the class. Pace was excellent for mid-day. Not too slow, not too fast, but a good enough pace to feel rejuvenated. Appreciate the thorough cues which included transitions. Class did not feel like an "easy version" of a regular class. Even with the chair, it felt like a proper yoga class. Nice music in the background, soothing tone of voice, and positive message before and after the practice. Would definitely take Emily's class again!" - J.C., Yoga Teacher

"Emily, Thank you for the midday chair yoga!! Even as a retired teacher, I realized I needed to reset for the afternoon. My head cleared, tension left my upper back, and I was ready for the afternoon."
-Gretchen, Retired Elementary Teacher

Try our FREE mid-day chair flow every Friday at 12:00pm CST.


Monday, May 1

5:45pm CST Classic at BODYBAR PIlates - Wicker Park

7:00pm CST Reformer at BODYBAR Pilates - Wicker Park

Wednesday, May 3

5:45pm CST Classic at BODYBAR Pilates - Wicker Park

7:00pm CST Reformer at BODYBAR Pilates - Wicker Park

Thursday, April 27

5:45pm CST Reformer at BODYBAR PIlates - Wicker Park

7:00pm CST Classic at BODYBAR Pilates - Wicker Park

Friday, April 28

12:00-12:30pm Chair Yoga - Virtual

Sunday, April 30

10:00-11:00am Vinyasa Flow - Virtual

May you have kindness in your heart

May you have kindness in your words

May you have kindness in your thoughts

Namaste and Sat Nam,



Chicago, IL
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